江安世  特聘講座教授



Ann-Shyn Chiang Received Ph.D. (1990) and trained as a postdoctoral fellow (1992) in Rutgers University, Ann-Shyn Chiang joined Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University as an associate professor (1992), promoted as professor (1997), took sabbatical to study Drosophila memory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (2001) and became the adjunct International Faculty of Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) at the University of California, San Diego (2011). For his contribution to our understanding of memory formation using a connectomics approach, Chiang was elected as an Academician of Academia Sinica (2014) and a fellow of The World Academy of Science (2016).

Chiang invented the world-first hydrophilic tissue clearing technology, reconstructed a brain-wide wiring diagram in Drosophila (the New York Times reported this discovery as the first step toward mapping human brain) and published the first Cell (2007) paper from Taiwanese scientists. Guiding by this connectomics map, he and his colleagues discovered that long-term memory formation requires new protein synthesis only in few brain neurons and published the first full article in Science (2012) from Taiwanese scientists. At his Presidential Special Lecture in the Society for Neuroscience 2016 Annual Meeting, Chiang announced the era toward whole-body connectomics. He received many awards, including: Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council (2004, 2009, 2012); Outstanding Scholar Award, Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (2007); Academic Award of Ministry of Education (2007); Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology of Executive Yuan (2008); TWAS Prize in Biology (2012); and National Chair Award of Ministry of Education (2015).

Chiang is currently the Distinguished Chair Professor and the Director of Brain Research Center of National Tsing Hua University. He is also the International Fellow of Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) at the University of California, San Diego.







全腦神經網路連結體圖譜可以幫助我們研究資訊在腦中路徑的行進與改變,就如同Google Earth 有助於旅行者規劃要前往的國家、城市、街道、及目的。清華腦科學研究中心2000年發明透明腦技術,得以透視並重組全腦神經網路的立體連結。2010年首建果蠅全腦神經網路地圖,被美國【紐約時報】認為是解碼人類大腦的第一步。2019年發明全腦單分子超解析光學顯微鏡,得以觀察大組織內的任何單分子,從解碼果蠅腦邁向解碼人腦。利用腦神經網路連結體及精巧的基因工具,我們已經可以遙控腦神經活動,理解腦如何藉由長期記憶改變行為。最後我想談談腦科技帶來的創新產業,以及如何應用腦科學新知提升學習效率及延長健康的生活。