吳嫻 教授
Prof. Denise Hsien Wu
Important experience / 重要經歷
國立中央大學 認知神經科學研究所 教授 (2014-至今)
國立中央大學 認知神經科學研究所 所長 (2014-2020)
2020 中央大學通識與共同必修課程教學優良教師
2013-2020 中央大學學術研究傑出獎
2020 資深學者傅爾布萊特研究獎助金
2019 中央大學羅家倫校長年輕傑出研究獎
2018 中央大學生醫理工學院發表頂尖論文獎
Research Areas / 研究範疇
Introduction / 簡介
Professor Denise Wu received a PhD degree in Cognitive Psychology (specialized in Cognitive Neuroscience) from Rice University in the U.S. in 2003. After working in the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and the Department of Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania in the U.S. as a post-doctoral researcher between 2003 and 2005, Dr. Wu became the faculty of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at National Central University in Taiwan and has worked in this institute since. She is the Director of the Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity at the University System of Taiwan since 2014.
Dr. Denise Wu has always been passionate about understanding human nature and been particularly intrigued by the complexity of human cognition. She has acquired extensive experience and expertise in employing converging methods to address issues concerning the relationship between the brain and behaviors. Specifically, she has conducted behavioral, neuropsychological (patient-based), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and neurophysiological (ERPs and MEG) studies to explore linguistic and numerical processing in the brain and how it affects human behaviors. Her recent research concentrates on investigations of the characteristics of statistical learning, and its contribution to language processing and acquisition. In addition, she starts to explore the neuronal underpinnings of aesthetic experience.
Dr. Denise Wu devotes herself not only to the research on cognitive neuroscience but also to the promotion of scientific knowledge to the society, especially to the education community. Dr. Wu is one of the founding members and currently the chairperson of the Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience. She is also an associate editor of Journal of Neurolinguistics、Frontiers of Psychology: Language Sciences、Current Directions in Psychological Science. Dr. Wu has received the Junior Research Investigators Award from Academia Sinica (2012) and the Taiwan Outstanding Young Female Scientist Award from Wu Chien-Shiung Education Foundation (2014). She is also elected as a Young Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in 2014, and as a Fellow of the Psychonomic Society in 2015 and of the Association for Psychological Science in 2016.
吳嫻教授於2003年在美國萊斯大學(Rice University)獲得認知心理學博士學位,專攻認知神經科學。自2003年至2005年間,她在美國賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)的認知神經科學中心和神經學系擔任博士後研究員。2005年後,吳教授成為台灣國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所的教職員,並自此一直在該所工作。自2014年起,她擔任臺灣聯合大學系統語言與人類複雜系統聯合研究中心的主任。
吳教授不僅致力於認知神經科學的研究,還熱心於推廣科學知識,特別是向教育界的推廣。她是台灣認知神經科學學會創始成員之一,目前擔任該學會主席。吳博士同時擔任《神經語言學雜誌》(Journal of Neurolinguistics)、《心理學前沿:語言科學》(Frontiers of Psychology: Language Sciences)以及《心理科學近期趨勢》(Current Directions in Psychological Science)的副主編。她於2012年獲得中央研究院頒發的傑出青年學者獎,以及2014年獲得吳健雄基金會頒發的台灣傑出青年女科學家獎。她還於2014年被選為發展中世界科學院(TWAS)的青年會員,並於2015年成為心理學會(Psychonomic Society)會士,2016年成為心理科學協會(Association for Psychological Science)會士。
More about the speaker / 更多關於講者
吳嫻 教授 | 國立中央大學