張懋中 教授
Prof. Mau-Chung Frank Chang
Important experience / 重要經歷
Wintek Chair in Electrical Engineering & Distinguished Professor, University of California, Los Angeles (1997-present)
洛杉磯加州大學電機工程學系Wintek Chair及講座教授(1997-迄今)
President, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2015-2019)
國立交通大學校長 (2015-2019)
Chairman, Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles (2010-2015)
洛杉磯加州大學電機工程學系系主任 (2010-2015)
Member, European Academy Sciences and Arts (2022)
歐洲文理科學院院士 (2022)
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award (2021)
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington最佳論文獎 (2021)
IEEE HKN Vladimir Karapetoff Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (2018)
IEEE HKN Vladimir Karapetoff科技終身成就獎章 (2018)
IET J J Thomson Medal for Electronics, UK (2017)
IET J J Thomson獎章 (2017)
Fellow, US National Academy of Inventors (2015)
美國國家發明家學院院士 (2015)
Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2012)
中央研究院院士 (2012)
Member, US National Academy of Engineering (2008)
美國國家工程學院院士 (2008)
IEEE David Sarnoff Award (2006)
IEEE大衛薩諾夫獎 (2006)
Research Areas / 研究範疇
Introduction / 簡介
Dr. M.C. Frank Chang is the Wintek Chair in Electrical Engineering and Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (1997- Present). He was the Assistant Director of the High-Speed Electronics Laboratory at Rockwell Science Center (1983-1997). In this tenure, he developed and transferred the AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) and BiFET (Planar HBT/MESFET) integrated circuit technologies from research laboratory to production line (Today’s Skyworks Solutions), which dominated global smartphone transmitter module production for the past three decades. Throughout his career, Dr. Chang’s research has primarily focused on the development of high-speed semiconductor devices and high-frequency integrated circuits for radio, radar, imager, spectrometer, interconnect, and Edge-AI-computations. He invented the widely used Digitally Controlled Artificial Dielectric (DiCAD), which can be embedded or synthesized in CMOS nano-metric metal interconnects to dynamically vary on-chip transmission-line permittivity (up to 20X in practice) for creating reconfigurable multiband/mode radios & radars at (sub)-mm-Wave frequencies. He also realized the 1st fully integrated Frequency Synthesizer for Terahertz operations (i.e. PLL at 560GHz). More recently, he led the invention of a Reconfigurable Convolution Neuron Network (RCNN) Accelerator for AIoT applications. He is a Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Fellow of US National Academy of Inventors, an Academician of Academia Sinica of Taiwan, Republic of China, and a Fellow of IEEE. He was also honored with the IEEE David Sarnoff Award in 2006 and IET’s JJ Thomson Medal for Electronics in 2017 for his pioneering work in realizing re-configurable mm-Wave circuits and systems. He served as the President of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Hsinchu, Taiwan from 2015 to 2019.
Dr. Chang received his BS in Physics from National Taiwan University (1972), MS in Materials Science from National Tsing Hua University (1974), and PhD in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University (1979).
張懋中博士是洛杉磯加州大學電機工程學系Wintek Chair及講座教授,他亦曾任洛克威爾科學中心Rockwell International Science Center高速電子實驗室副主任(1983-1997)。他在洛克威爾科學中心的任期中,他開發鋁砷化鎵/砷化鎵異質接面雙極電晶體(HBT)及BiFET (Planar HBT/MESFET) 積體電路技術,及把它從研究實驗室轉移到生產線(即現在的思佳訊通訊技術公司Skyworks Solutions)。這項技術在過去的三十多年主導著全球智能手機發射器模組的生產。張博士的研究聚焦在無線電、雷達、成像器、光譜儀、互連及邊沿-人工智慧-運算(Edge-AI-computations)的高速半導體裝置及高頻積體電路。他發明了被廣泛應用的數位操制人工介質(Digitally Controlled Artificial Dielectric (DiCAD))。他亦實現第一個兆赫全積體化頻率合成器(fully integrated Frequency Synthesizer for Terahertz operations)。他是美國國家工程學院院士、歐洲文理科學院院士、美國國家發明家學院院士、中央研究院院士、電機電子工程師學會會士。他在2006年獲得IEEE David Sarnoff Award;2017年獲得IET’s JJ Thomson Medal for Electronics。他於2015-2019年擔任國立交通大學校長。
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