Prof. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
Important experience / 重要經歷
Professor of Education, Fahmy Attallah Chair in Humanistic Psychology, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California
南加州大學教育學院人本心理學Fahmy Attallah Chair及教授
Professor of Psychology, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California
Director, USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (candle.usc.edu)
Distinguished scientist on the Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development
Nominated for AERA Member-at-Large (2022)
Elected president of the International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES) (2016-2018)
Author of Emotions, Learning and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Af ective Neuroscience (2015)
《情緒、學習與腦:探索情緒神經科學對教育的啓示》作者 (2015)
Appointed to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Committee on the Science and Practice of Learning (2015-2018)
Research Areas / 研究範疇
Educational Psychology
Introduction / 簡介
I am interested in the psychological and neurobiological development of social emotion, meaning-making and self-awareness, and connections to thinking and learning in formal and informal educational settings. I use interdisciplinary studies of narratives and feelings to uncover experience-dependent neuropsychological mechanisms that integrate cognition and emotion, contributing to intellectual identity, intrinsic motivation, deep learning, and generative, creative, ethical and abstract thought. My work has a special focus on civic development of diverse adolescents from under-resourced communities, whom I additionally involve in my work as junior scientists. My current studies also examine relations among effective urban secondary teachers’ neuropsychosocial capacities, professional orientations, and developmental knowledge. My research and writings contribute to founding the new field of Mind, Brain and Education
(Extracted from Prof. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang’s CV: https://rossier.usc.edu/faculty-research/directory/maryhelen-immordinoyang)
Prof Immordino-Yang對社會情感、意義產製、自覺的精神及神經生理發展,及思考、學習與教育環境的關聯抱有興趣。她透過敘事及感受的跨領域研究,掲露經驗依賴之神經心理機制,此機制不僅整合認知及情緒,更協助建構智力認同、內在動機、深度學習、生成創意、道德及抽象概念。
(節錄並翻譯自Prof. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang之履歷:https://rossier.usc.edu/faculty-research/directory/maryhelen-immordinoyang)
More about the speaker / 更多關於講者
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang – USC Rossier School of Education