石玲燕 教授
Professor Lingyan Shi
Important experience / 重要經歷
Asst Professor, Bioengineering, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
Blavatnik Regional Awards for Young Scientists in 2018
Research Areas / 研究範疇
Ultrafast laser scanning microscopy
Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS)
Multiphoton fluorescence
Brain, metabolism, cancer, bioorthogonal labeling
Raman probe
Subcellular resolution, in situ
Introduction / 簡介
Dr. Lingyan Shi’s pioneering work in developing and applying novel optical techniques has led to a number of significant breakthroughs in biophotonics with major implications for the fields of neuroscience and cancer research and is allowing us to visualize the mechanisms underlying everyday processes and disease. One of Dr. Shi’s most significant discoveries has been the development of a new experimental technique that combines heavy water labeling and a relatively new imaging method, stimulated Raman scattering microscopy, to probe the metabolic activities of living tissues at subcellular resolution in situ. This discovery facilitates the visualization of tumor boundaries, embryonic development, and even aging in biological tissue. Another significant scientific contribution is her discovery of the “Golden Optical Window” – a unique band of infrared wavelengths that can penetrate deeper into biological tissues than other wavelengths of light during imaging, thereby dramatically increasing the imaging depth possible in brain tissue by as much as 50%. In addition, Dr. Shi has developed an early-detection spectral technique that could provide doctors with a tool for the early-stage detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
(Extracted from: http://blavatnikawards.org/honorees/profile/lingyan-shi/)
石玲燕教授致力研究、發展及應用光學顯微鏡成像,並在神經科學及癌症研究上取得一連串重要的突破。石玲燕教授其中一項最為人熟知的發現為結合重水標籤及受激拉曼散射(SRS)顯微術,能有效在活組織中進行亞細胞解析,探測新陳代謝的狀況。此發現讓腫瘤範圍、胚胎發育、生物組織老化等可視像化;另一項重要的科學貢獻為「黃金光學窗口」(Golden Optical Window),一種可更深地穿透生物組織的獨特波段紅外線,也因此讓更深層的腦部成像變得可能,這些研究讓醫生更有可能發現患者早期阿茲海默症。石玲燕教授希望持續改良光學顯微成像及光譜技術,讓學者及臨床醫師有更強大工具進行病理分析及治療。
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