譚惠玲 教授
Prof. Huiling Tan
Important experience / 重要經歷
Professor, Human Electrophysiology and Neuromodulation, University of Oxford
MRC Investigator, The Medical Research Council Brain Network Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford (MRC BNDU)
D.Phil. in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford
B.Sc. in Psychology, The Open University
Control Engineering (B.Sc.), Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Research Areas / 研究範疇
Introduction / 簡介
Huiling started her career in neuroscience research in 2010 upon joining Professor Peter Brown’s Group. Her research is focused on the role of the basal ganglia in purposeful movement, and how information important for motor control and motor learning is represented, processed and transmitted in different networks of the brain, including the motor cortex and the basal ganglia. Her recent work has revealed how frequency-specific neuronal oscillations, as reflected in the local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the human basal ganglia, contribute to encoding motor effort, uncertainty-weighted prediction error and other movement-related information. She is also defining how inappropriate neuronal oscillations are associated with and can lead to symptoms in different movement disorders, in particular, Parkinson’s disease.
Huiling was awarded a prestigious MRC New Investigator Research Grant in 2017, and established her research group at the Unit shortly thereafter. As part of Huiling’s research programme, she is developing novel Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on signals recorded from structures deep inside the brain for next-generation therapeutic interventions for human movement disorders.
(Extracted from: https://www.mrcbndu.ox.ac.uk/people/associate-prof-huiling-tan)
譚惠玲教授自2010年加入Prof Peter Brown 的團隊後,開展了她在神經科學的研究工作。她的研究集中於基底神經節在有目的的運動中的角色,及不同的腦內網絡中資訊是如何被呈現、處理、傳送,及其在運動控制及學習中的重要性。她最新的研究則顯示了以基底神經節中局部場電位反映之特定頻率的神經振動,對編制動作、不確定性預測誤差及其他動作相關資訊的貢獻。她亦正在確認不適當的神經振動是如何與運動障礙——尤其是帕金森氏症——相關聯。
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