GAIA STEM Lectures Series
主持人 / Moderator
施如齡 教授 ( 國立中央大學 網路學習科技研究所 )
即將舉行 / Coming Next
日期及時間 : 9/21 (六) 上午9:00 (GMT+8)
講題:Advanced (Photo)oxidation Processes for Water Treatment (高級光氧化過程於水處理的應用)
講者:Dr. Ching-Hua Huang (黃京華 博士)
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黃京華 博士
Important experience / 重要經歷
Turnipseed Family Chair and Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Associate Editor, American Chemical Society – ACS ES&T Water
ACS ES&T Water副主編
Associate Editor, Science of the Total Environment
Science of the Total Environment 副主編
Research Areas / 研究範疇
Environmental chemistry
Advanced analytical chemistry
Contaminant transformation kinetics and mechanisms
Innovative water/wastewater treatment technology
Fate of emerging contaminants in natural and built systems
Formation and control of emerging disinfection by-products
Remediation of energy production wastes
Sustainable water reuse
Resource recovery
Introduction / 簡介
Dr. Ching-Hua Huang’s research and teaching interests are in the areas of environmental chemistry, emerging contaminants, innovative water treatment technologies for sustainable water supply, resource recovery of critical metals, and waste remediation. Dr. Huang has been the Principal Investigator of many research projects funded by federal and state agencies and industry on issues of advanced water treatment, emerging contaminants, and resource recovery. She has extensive research experience on emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors, nitrogenous disinfection by-products, PFAS, and heavy metals in natural and engineered aquatic systems. Dr. Huang has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal papers, book chapters and conference proceeding papers on the above topics and is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences and universities. Dr. Huang is or has been the Associate Editor of ACS ES&T Water and Science of the Total Environment and the Editorial Advisory Board member of Environmental Science & Technology and Environmental International. The research by Dr. Huang and her students has received multiple honors from the American Chemical Society and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
黃京華博士的研究和教學興趣集中在環境化學、新興污染物、創新水處理技術以實現永續水供應、關鍵金屬的資源回收和廢棄物整治。她擔任多個由聯邦、州政府及產業資助的研究計畫首席研究員,這些計畫專注於高級水處理、新興污染物和資源回收問題。她在天然和人工水系統中對於新興污染物,如藥物、內分泌干擾物、含氮消毒副產物、全氟和多氟烷基物質(PFAS)及重金屬等方面有著豐富的研究經驗。黃博士在上述領域發表了超過200篇經同行評審的期刊論文、書籍章節和會議論文,並經常受邀在國際會議和大學演講。黃博士現任或曾擔任《ACS ES&T Water》和《Science of the Total Environment》期刊的副主編,以及《Environmental Science & Technology》和《Environmental International》的編輯顧問委員會成員。她和她的學生的研究多次獲得美國化學學會和環境毒理學與化學學會的榮譽。
(節錄並翻譯自:https://www.linkedin.com/in/ching-hua-huang-b9064625/,內容由Dr. Huang於2024年8月更新)
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